Are private lessons for me?

If you are looking for a “quick fix”, this isn’t it.

Spoiler alert: There is no quick fix. In order to achieve long-lasting results, you will have to work at this regularly. Just think of all the hours you’ve spent slouching over the course of your life — one yoga class or chiropractor visit won’t fix that permanently. It can be a slow and sensational process, but I promise it is worth it!

There are few guarantees in life, but I can guarantee that if you keep ignoring your body, that back, knee, wrist, shoulder - whatever pain you are experiencing - will continue to get worse over time, and I want to make sure that does not happen!

Take a moment and imagine: that today, in the body you are in right now, was as “bad as it gets”... even 10, 20, 30 years from now.

How great would that be?

Now imagine, you spend a few hours a week devoting time and energy to feeling your body, strengthening your muscles, increasing your mobility, and improving your balance.

How would that impact your quality of life?
What if you continued doing the work for 10, 20, 30 years from now…?